Over the last 15 years the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam has conducted extensive research into the life and work of Vincent van Gogh.
The Van Gogh Letters Project
October 2009 sees the culmination of the extensive and prestigious Van Gogh Letters Project. The 15 years of research since 1995 the Van Gogh Museum and the Huygens Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences into Vincent van Gogh's letters have culminated in a special exhibition, the launch of a website encompassing the research results and the publication of a six-volume book in three languages. In this first edition for an international public, around 600 Dutch and some 300 French letters are published in the original language alongside a parallel English translation based on a new examination of the original manuscripts.
Exhibition - Van Gogh’s letters: The artist speaks
9 October 2009 - 3 January 2010 at Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
"Van Gogh's letters will take centre stage in the exhibition Van Gogh's letters: The artist speaks. More than 120 original letters will be on show alongside the works that Van Gogh was writing about. These important documents have seldom or never been shown to the public due to their extreme fragility and sensitivity to light.
The combination of more than 300 works from the museum's own rich collection, including paintings, drawings, letters and letter sketches, offers a penetrating and comprehensive insight into Van Gogh as letter writer and as artist." [...] More info at Van Gogh Museum
Web edition: vangoghletters.org
The English-language web edition www.vangoghletters.org contains all 902 letters to and from Van Gogh in their original languages (Dutch and French) with new English translations and images of the authentic manuscripts. The letters are furnished with extensive annotations and illustrations of all works of art mentioned in the correspondence. The web edition also offers extensive search possibilities and will be freely accessible from 8 October 2009.
Book edition Vincent van Gogh- The letters
The six-volume publication Vincent van Gogh- The letters. The complete illustrated and annotated edition contains all the letters, complete with new translations, explanatory notes and illustrations of the more than 2,000 works of art mentioned in the correspondence. The letters have been included exactly as Van Gogh actually wrote them; in their original form without embellishment, rephrasing, adaptation or excision of passages. Compiled by Leo Jansen, Hans Luijten and Nienke Bakker. Design: Wim Crouwel. Published by the Van Gogh Museum, the Huygens Institute-KNAW and the Mercator Fonds. International co-editions with Thames & Hudson, Actes Sud and Amsterdam University Press. Six volumes, boxed, hardcover, 2,180 pages, circa 4,300 illustrations, available in Dutch, French and English.
Price € 395 (special offer price until 3 January 2010: € 325).
Van Gogh Blog
Follow Van Gogh on www.vangoghsblog.com: read Van Gogh's descriptions of his daily activities, accompany him to the places he visits, and share his opinions on art and literature. Available in English and Dutch from 6 October.
Ongoing Research into Van Gogh's studio practice in context
"'Studio practice' is seen here as the cumulation of working techniques, materials and knowledge deployed by the artist to achieve the desired effects in his work. The aim is to answer questions such as 'Where did Van Gogh acquire his knowledge and inspiration?' and 'How does the work of Van Gogh relate to that of his contemporaries?'. The research is concentrated on Van Gogh himself, on artists with whom he actually came into contact (such as Mauve, Toulouse-Lautrec, Signac and Gauguin) and on artists with whose oeuvre and way of working he was well acquainted (Monticelli, Delacroix and Millet)." More on this project from Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam
Source: Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Van Gogh and Monet - Research in progress: contemporaries
The Van Gogh Museum has been conducting exhaustive technical research into the paintings and drawings by Vincent van Gogh in its collection for many years now. In this video you'll get a behind the scenes look of the research.
To read my earlier post: Vincent van Gogh: artistic genius & tormented soul
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